What is Social Illusionism?
If it is bad to be disillusioned, it must be good to be Illusioned, right? The name of course is a kind of provocation, and though on...

Touring Los Patios de La Estacion
Three men, four women and three children went walking, talking and discovering that which is their own, that which is close yet far. The...

Social Illusionism in Mexico
Brief Background on Social Illusionism “Social Illusionism” is an innovative, international approach to participatory community work. In...

Renovating Historic Train Station, Building Adobe Walls
In the beginning of December a group of academics, community workers, city and neighborhood officials and participants of the community...

Meeting to Talk about the Mapping
A few people started to gather at 11AM on the dot, getting ready to participate in the “Project,” as some participants in the Community...

Mapping and Remembering
Today Emelia, Roberto, Ana, Francis and Teo, along with Erik and Juan Manuel, participated in mapping. It was hot; spring came early in...

La Estacion: Gathering Together and Dreaming
During Holy Week, the CCIDD team invited La Estacion residents to participate in a cleaning activity. The youth, women and children...

Intuitive Mapping
From intuition mapping, we come across the following: That we the UNILCO-Mexico team was not assaulted walking along the streets of La...

Ilusionismo in Los Patios de la Estación in Cuernavaca
The Free University for a Collective Construction (La Universidad Libre para la Construción Colectiva) or UNILOCO´s Mexico team is...

Guided Tour in the Ravine Amanalco,
GETTING TO KNOW THE RAVINES OF CUERNAVACA: Lots of moms along with their children and one dad, on the morning of April 9th, took a short...