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Clean School Water

WKF has played a key role in the successful development of rainwater harvest, storage and purification for public schools in Tepoztlán, Morelos.

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The infrastructure and technical components are funded by the Rotary Foundation. Luckily because of the local rotary club's experience in working with us, and our proven track record, they understood the importance of community participation in order to guarantee long term sustainability, so they asked for our help - they even provided some of the funding for this important task.


In the community of San Juan Tlacotenco, Tepoztlán over 200 students have access to free safe clean water while at the local elementary school as well as others from the community who come to fill their water bottles for a small donation which in turn covers the cost of operation and maintenance.


In Santo Domingo Ocotitlán, also in Tepoztlán the same situation with only a slightly smaller population.


And in the technical vocational school in Texio, Tepoztlán close to 600 students will benefit from a similar system that is under construction.

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