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Ilusionismo in Los Patios de la Estación in Cuernavaca

The Free University for a Collective Construction (La Universidad Libre para la Construción Colectiva) or UNILOCO´s Mexico team is initiating a remodeling project for the Los Patios de la La Estacion Community Center. The center is found in one of the oldest parts of Cuernavaca, imbedded in the ex-railway system that ran between Mexico and Cuernavaca. The railway was inaugurated in 1987 in this paradise-like location, as local authors have stated.

Los Patios de la Estación is considered as a squatting settlement by local authorities, and is located near a health center. For years, officials have implemented ineffective relocation programs. In fact, this year the municipality of Cuernavaca is implementing an urban development project around the regulation of the prices.

For a while now, La Estacion has been characterized as a neighborhood where delinquents reside, there exists a criminalized image of Los Patios de La Estacion. However, our shortsighted view of the community can easily overlook the richness and integration that exists there.

In the Community Center La Estación women daily and independently organize for the breakfast program serving 70 children of the community. Their work is supported by different organizations and philanthropic groups. Gathering together and relating with one another, the women create an atmosphere of trust and encouragement towards a better life. With this group we are going to begin with the only step necessary for Social Illusionism: mapping.

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